Thursday, December 2, 2010

Product Review: The Bar Method DVDs

As you may remember, a few weeks ago I ordered two DVDs for The Bar Method -- Accelerated Workout and Change Your Body. I tried them out over the past week and they're pretty good.

Essentially, the workouts are a combination of yoga, pilates and ballet. There are lots of small movements using your own body weight, as well as isometrics. Some exercises also use free weights.

Here's a quick pro and con list:

- Felt like a good workout, some parts were quite challenging and I even broke a sweat (sometimes hard to come by with DVDs)

- Good instructions and ways to modify certain exercises

- Both DVDs are nearly a full hour (54 and 56 minutes), which I didn't realize (was hoping for 40-45 minutes)

- Could get boring if you use the DVDs every day (but I think that could happen with any exercise video)

Overall, I'm happy with my purchase. I plan on including them in my exercise rotation. Although I have been slacking lately. With the holidays approaching, I find that my morning exercise routine has been replaced with wrapping and organizing gifts.

During Black Friday I picked up another workout DVD (I think it's an illness - LOL!) It's a 10-Minute Solutions DVD with a variety of cardio workouts. Stay tuned for a review once I've gotten through it.

Have any of your own workout DVD recommendations? I'm always looking for new ones to add to my collection.

Note: Visit to purchase both DVDs for $30.

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