Monday, November 1, 2010

My Favorite Fit Mom Websites

When it comes to staying fit, I use a number of websites, from tracking my running times and routes to monitoring what I eat.  Here are my top picks:

  • -- A great social network site for anyone who likes to particiapte in running, biking, triathlons or just about any other race. It will track your races so you have all of your times in one place. Note: it doesn't pick up every single race, but does include a majority.

  • -- I track all of my running workouts here. It will give you a breakdown of how often you run, how far, your pace, etc. You can also input your running routes. They recently added biking, swimming and weight training workouts, but I haven't tried them out yet.

  • -- This free site is a great weight loss and exercise community that offers lots of information, recipes, exercises and moral support from other members. It's a great way to track your diet since it provides calorie, protein, carbohydrate and fat breakdown for thousands of food. I switch back and forth between SparkPeople and Weight Watchers when I'm trying to lose weight.

  • -- I'm currently a member, but my membership expires at the end of Nov. Weight Watchers online helped me to lose the baby weight with both kids. It's a godsend for dropping weight. It's easy to enter foods and keep close watch of your food intake and exercise. It's fairly cost-effective when it comes to paid online diet plans.

  • -- Don't let the name fool you. While it does carry hundreds of bodybuilder supplements. This site is a great place to find vitamins, supplements and other exercise-related items. They have very competitive pricing and super-fast shipping.

Do you use any of these sites? Are there any that I may be missing? I'd love to hear about your favorites!

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