Sunday, January 2, 2011

Let's Kick Off the New Year with the Transformation Challenge

Normally, a few days before New Year's Day, I create a list of 10 New Year's Resolutions. I've done this for at least the last 10 years, and most of the time I hit at least 6-8 of my goals -- not too shabby, right?  Well, I decided to change things up this year.

First, no resolutions. It's felt a little odd, but I decided not to create a top 10 list. I did decide that this will be the year of an attitude of gratitude. I've always struggled with being content; I've always wanted more. What's the next goal? After awhile it becomes obesessive...and a bit annoying. And there's nothing worse than annoying yourself!
That said, health and fitness have become a way of life and I really need to buckle down to achieve the kind of body that I want. Plus, as I get older, it becomes hard and hard to drop the fat and retain the muscle. 'Nuff said.

I stumbled upon a "Transformation Challenge" -- a 12-week fat and weight loss challenge that includes monetary prizes. Right up my alley! To really keep me committed, I had to pay a $25 entry fee and upload scary photos of me in a bikini - LOL!! I get to do that every 4 weeks -- yikes! Thankfully, my hubby agreed to photograph me, and no, you won't be seeing those pics here...unless I win!

Stay tuned and feel free to join me by signing up.

And after shelling out $25, I just realized that has a FREE Transformation Challenge. Two contests have to mean double the motivation, right? Who's with me?

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