Tuesday, May 31, 2011

How Being Fit Can Save Your Life

I had a rough week last week, but not as rough as my Dad's. He had a heart attack while driving and was rushed to the hospital by ambulance. There was a large blockage between the juncture of two arteries that required double bypass surgery. Normally, when this type of open-heart surgery is performed, patients need four to seven days to recover. My Dad had his surgery Thursday afternoon and went home Monday at lunchtime. During his surgery, he didn't need to be put on a breathing machine or have his heart stopped.

Why am I telling you all of this? Because my Dad is 63 years old and very active for his age. He's the sole owner/operator of his own landscaping business. That means 8 to 10 hours of yard work every day for seven months out of the year. My Dad was able to bounce back from this major surgery because he is in very good shape...all things considered. (Granted, he also has diabetes, the occasional cigar and bouts of asthma.)

Being a Fit Mom isn't just about looking your best, it's about feeling great and keeping yourself healthy. We all have little ones that depend on us. So whenever you think that working out is selfish or vain, it's not. It's about keeping your heart, bones and organs healthy. That said, it's also important to make sure that you see a doctor regularly. A simple stress test could have prevented my Dad's heart attack. This is especially important if your family has a history of heart disease or problems.

Be sure to take care of yourself!!


  1. So true - my dad had his first heart attack at 53 and bypass at 55. After a bunch of these he didn't make it through the triple bypass at 70. He was healthy and active otherwise....ate right, 165lbs, didn't smoke or drink. It's in my genetic make up which is why I workout so hard and eat right.
    Glad your dad is on the path to recovery.

  2. KG - So sorry about your dad. Thanks for your kind words, and good for you for taking care of yourself! Our health and overall fitness is definitely something we can't take for granted.
